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Discover our latest articles, tips, and news on ASO and mobile app marketing

5 Ways to Improve the User Experience
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5 Ways to Improve the User Experience

Expanding upon the parallels between SEO studies and Mobile Application Market Optimization, it's evident that attention to detail in areas like content, design, and keyword usage is paramount for success. In line with this understanding, it becomes imperative to delve deeper into strategies aimed at enhancing user experience.

5 Tips to Use Social Media for App Marketing
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5 Tips to Use Social Media for App Marketing

Social media, as a market that is growing every day, manages to be the center of attention of consumers. Although it is used for social shares and engagement purposes, it is also necessary to emphasize that social media is used for different purposes, especially App Marketing and Digital Marketing. For this reason, social media manages to be a very important option for App Developers.

The Importance of User Reviews for ASO
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The Importance of User Reviews for ASO

Users install applications by searching for them directly or by using the relevant keywords in the application store. It is known that the proportion of applications searched by keyword is 63 percent for iOS and 58 percent for Android. In light of analytical data, concrete optimizations are the most important factor affecting the number of downloads and the future of applications. In order for applications developed with significant investments to have a long life, to reach large audiences, and to receive full marks from the target audience, it is always necessary to take the Importance of user reviews for ASO into consideration.

Use of Short Tails for ASO
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Use of Short Tails for ASO

Short tails are keywords with a high search volume. They are not often preferred alternatives for ASO. Because these words are too general, they also reveal problems related to optimization. For example, ’clothes' is covered by the short tail keyword. Using this word is not very useful for the app. Instead of doing this, it is more useful to choose options such as ‘men's clothes or ‘men's clothes for winter.

Using Feedback for Better Results
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Using Feedback for Better Results

One of the most important methods to be successful in ASO is to take advantage of user feedback. Because user feedback gives you tips on issues where you are advantageous and disadvantaged related to the App. Considering that users are your target audience for you, you should evaluate the using feedback for better results.

Using Missed Keywords for ASO
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Using Missed Keywords for ASO

Keywords are a vital issue for ASO. However, it is possible to use erroneous keywords consciously from time to time. Using missed keywords for ASO occurs due to incorrect searches of keywords by users. This also causes incorrect words to be found among the words with high search volume. Using the search volume of the wrong words also causes the search volume to increase. So, is choosing this method a sensible option?

App Store Optimization for Mobile Games
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App Store Optimization for Mobile Games

You should know that mobile games will perform higher with App Store Optimization. Because an effective marketing strategy will offer a completely different experience for your mobile game. With Apptargets, you can also work to increase your ASO success and make mobile games take the first place in the list.

Most Popular App Store Keywords of 2022
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Most Popular App Store Keywords of 2022

What are the most used keywords in App Store searches? As a developer whose application or game is published in the App Store, it is normal for you to wonder about this issue. When browsing the 6 largest app markets in the world, the preferred words are usually the same! You can also follow a road map on ASO by examining these words.

Keyword Optimization for App Store
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Keyword Optimization for App Store

When you want to take part in the App Store by registering your app, you need to use many keywords. Since it is very important to use the keywords that will make the application stand out in the search results, it is very valuable to take a meticulous approach in this regard. Within the scope of ASO, you should evaluate the most important tips for professionally conducting the process.