Keyword Optimization for App Store

When you want to take part in the App Store by registering your app, you need to use many keywords. Since it is very important to use the keywords that will make the application stand out in the search results, it is very valuable to take a meticulous approach in this regard. Within the scope of ASO, you should evaluate the most important tips for professionally conducting the process. Then let’s take a closer look at the most important tips about keyword optimization for App Store!

Split Search Terms into Single Words

When you are searching for keywords to use on App Store you should be aware that using unsplit words is not correct. You should use simple words. Because the App Store combines all the words and uses them to improve search results. For example, using ’buy‘ and ’computer‘ is better than ’buying computer'.

Remove Spaces

Considering that the evaluator of keywords is a robot, there is no need for space between keywords. With this method, you can get an advantage in terms of character, and you should not forget that you can enter more keywords. With spaces, which is a very simple but important detail, you will be able to take your success to the top in search results.

Do not use App Name

Using the app or company name while using the keyword will not be the right approach for you. Because the App Store already examines such information, even if you do not use it as a keyword. In this context, you should not use your keyword right in this way. Otherwise, the results will reach an even worse point than you expected.

Simplify Complicated Keywords

Users tend to use simple and short keywords. Therefore, while optimizing keywords simplifying keywords help you to become more successful on the app store. Long and hard words are not optimal for ASO. In addition, since such words are used very little, they will negatively affect your App Store performance.

Put Most Important Keywords Early

Highlighting the most important keywords will be an option that will directly affect App Store success. Then all you need to do is to highlight only important keywords. By taking into account this detail, which is the sine qua non of a quality ASO process, you will also be able to benefit from a professional point of view.

Although a successful ASO process awaits you with Apptargets, knowing the tips is valuable in terms of the results you will achieve. Then take a look at the most important tricks for app keyword optimization and evaluate the methods that are most suitable for you!