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Digital Marketing Glossary

Unlock the world of digital marketing - One term at a time!

Above The Fold

Above the Fold content is the first thing users see when they log into the site. It is the part that is shown before scrolling down on the web page. Any content below is considered “bottom of the fold.”

A/B testing

It is a method that shows which one of the advertisements users responds more by preparing multiple advertisement versions of a web page or an application. A/B testing is essentially an experiment in which two or more page variants are shown to random users. Then, statistical analysis is used to determine which variation is performing better.

Accelerated Mobile WebPage

It is a coding method that helps the mobile pages of websites to open faster, depending on the guidelines developed by Google. Thanks to this technology, users are not directed to other sites due to the late opening of the pages, and they can access the website they want within milliseconds.

Anchor Text

Anchor Text; It is the name given to visible and clickable text on any site or document that has a shared link on it. It usually directs you to the referred page once you click and it is indicated in blue color. Anchor Text is one of the essential details of SEO studies.


ASO stands for App Store Optimization. It is the whole work done to increase the performance of your application in the market and increase your organic downloads. It covers strategies to improve the list performance of applications. All KPIs that affect an app’s rise in mobile stores are within ASO strategies.

Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate is the percentage of single-page visits. Single-page visits happen when the user who visits the e-commerce site leaves without visiting another page. If users leave your site immediately, it can indicate a negative experience for the user.

Blackhat Seo

Blackhat SEO is a digital marketing practice that is not recommended by search engines and violates quality guidelines. Although such sites artificially elevate to the top of the search engine rankings, they can be banned from search engines thanks to the advanced systems of search engines because they act against quality guidelines.

B2B Digital Marketing

B2B stands for business-to-business marketing. It is a general name for marketing or sales practices among companies. This business model includes a sales and marketing model between two companies, not with the end user. For targeting consumers, B2C Marketing is used.


In the simplest terms, cookies are small files that keep your usage habits and preferences on the browser while you use any website. Cookies are used to save time and provide a better internet experience to users.


Content is any materials published for users within a website. Articles and other media may also be included in the content. Originality is vital in content.


The campaign is all activities carried out to achieve a specific goal.

Conversion Rate

The conversion rate is the number of conversions divided by the total number of visitors.

CPC: Cost Per Click

CPC (cost per click) is a statistical term that determines how much an advertiser will pay for each user's click on ads they place on websites or social media.

Conversion Rate Optimization

Conversion Rate Optimization is the process of increasing the number of conversions, by strategically optimizing all the stages leading to the targeted conversion (purchase, form filling, registration, etc.) on your site or application.


It is a management approach used to manage all relationships of a company and its interactions with customers and potential customers. It is used to understand the customer, provide products and service support in line with his needs, and retain existing customers.


Clickbait is the name given to news, images, or videos with exaggerated, deceptive, sensational, and attractive headlines which encourage users to click on them.

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing promotes brands’ products and services to customers through digital channels such as social media, SEO, email, and mobile apps.

Domain Name

A domain name is the physical name and address of the website. Domain names are site-specific. For example, typedive.com is an Typedive specific domain.

Display Ads

They are advertisements that do not interfere with the general appearance of the content on digital platforms (website, blog, social network, etc.) and do not prevent use, mainly in the form of pictures, banners, videos, or animations.

Domain Rating

Domain Rating is a score measuring the quantity and quality of backlinks a domain receives. Domain rating is a method used by search engines to understand how authoritative and valuable a website is and, therefore, to improve and rank higher in SERPs. It has a rating scale of 1-100.

Exit Rate

Exit rate is determined by comparing the number of users who leave the website after entering a page and the total number of views the page has received. It should not be confused with the bounce rate. Instead, the exit rate is the percentage of exits on a page.

Email Marketing

The sending of promotional emails to promote a business’s new products, sales, and updates, as well as to encourage customer loyalty and potential customers. Email marketing is a form of marketing that can legally notify customers on your email list about new products, discounts, and other services.

Evergreen Content

Evergreen content refers to SEO-friendly content that is constantly relevant to readers and stays “fresh” over a long time. Evergreen content allows you to drive traffic to your website. It can also hold valuable positions in search results for months or even years from when you share your content.

Facebook Business Manager

Facebook Business Manager is a tool that helps businesses create, publish and analyze a variety of business-related ads and product catalogs, including Facebook Pages or Facebook ads.


It is a value that shows how often search engines crawl your website. Scan frequency is essential. When new content is published, search engines will crawl you more often. Thus, your page rank will increase, and the number of visitors will start to grow.


Geo-fence is a marketing technology that uses GPS, RFID, and WIFI technologies to send notifications such as advertisements and discounts to the device as soon as it enters the region determined by authorized persons.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free-to-use service that provides access to comprehensive information such as demographics and location information of users visiting a website.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a free tool that helps users measure website traffic, see keyword usage performance, fix potential issues, and get various messages from Google about their website.

Google Tag Manager

Google tag manager is a tag management system. Tags are used for marketing optimization and traffic analysis to your website, as well as a tag management system that allows you to update code snippets.


Users generally use hashtags to find the content they are looking for easily. In addition, hashtags can be used for detailed and specific topics.

Hreflang Tag

This tag aims to display the correct location-based language, especially on multilingual websites. Therefore, search engines detect your language structure by looking at this tag. For this reason, it is a critical meta tag for sites that use multiple languages.


HTML is an acronym that stands for “Hyper Text Markup Language.” It is a standard formatting system that displays material received over the internet.


The display of advertisements on the website, search engines, or social media is called an impression. For example, if there is an advertisement on the website page that a user visits, it creates an impression of the advertising. Each time the user refreshes the page, the impression of the ad will increase.

Image Optimization

It is a compression technology that allows websites to reduce the size of images they use automatically. Almost all sites use it since most visual content is shared on today’s websites.


JavaScript is a programming language that is one of the most fundamental technologies of the internet, along with HTML and CSS. More than 97% of websites use client-side JavaScript for web page gestures, and the code often includes third-party libraries.


The keyword is that users express the content they want in search engines with words or phrases. Keywords are important. If the keywords related to your content are used, your page can get ahead of other search engines. The right keywords are the most crucial elements for SEO.

Landing WebPage

The landing page is the first page users visit on the website. It is usually created as part of marketing or advertising campaigns, and its primary purpose is to help convert site visitors into leads.

Meta Description

A meta description is a short description that contains essential information about your page, located under your website URL in the SERP. It is designed to explain to users a summary of the content on your page.

Mobile Friendliness

It measures how mobile-friendly your web page is and how easy it is to use.

Organic Traffic

It is the name given to the visitors who come naturally from the search engines to your web page without advertising.

Owned Media

A brand is considered owned media if it controls any digital asset. The most common examples are the brand’s website, mobile application, social media accounts, and email content.


PPC, aka Pay-Per-Click, is a digital marketing instrument that allows you to create campaigns to promote your website to your target audience through search engines or different websites. You pay per click for the traffic you get.

Quality Score

Quality Score is the average value of your ad, landing page, and keyword in Google’s eyes. Well-built pages for user experience will keep you one step ahead of your competitors.


In remarketing, customers are reached through different channels such as e-mail, SMS, instant notification, etc. In addition, there are remarketing aims to reach potential customers.

Return On Ad Spend (ROAS)

Roas ensures efficient use of advertising costs. Roas is a calculated marketing metric for digital ads. The ROAS value obtained by considering the expense of a specific advertisement and the revenue generated reveals the ad’s performance.

Return On Investment (ROI)

It is a measure of financial performance used to evaluate the efficiency or profitability of an investment. ROI measures the return on a particular investment relative to the cost of the investment.

Search Engine Results WebPage (SERP)

A page that a search engine brings to a user after a user submits a search query. Search engine results pages include organic search results, paid search, and pay-per-click ads.

Search Engine Marketing

SEM (Search Engine Marketing) refers to paid advertising activities that enable your website to appear higher in search engines. We know that the first step for any marketer is to drive more traffic to their website. One of the best ways to get more website traffic is to rank your site high when visitors search for relevant keywords.


SEO stands for ‘search engine optimization.’ Seo is the name given to studies that aim to increase the website’s traffic rates organically within specific rules to increase the website’s visibility. Potential users can be reached more quickly with well-done SEO work.


When users visit your website, Google Analytics initiates a session for each user. The actions of visitors on the page are recorded with session information. The average number of pages visited by the users during the session period is defined as Pages / Session.

Social Media Optimization

Social Media Optimization is a technique used to build brand awareness on various social media networks to promote your existing products and services.

SSL Certificate

SSL is a security protocol developed by Netscape that provides personal privacy and reliability and enables the communication between the server and the client to be encrypted for the integrity and data protection of information during the transfer of information on the network, thus ensuring the safety of confidentiality.

Target Audience

It refers to the people you are addressing with your products or services. It can be defined by behavioral and demographic characteristics such as age, gender, income, education, or location.

Universal Resource Locator (URL)

URL is the name given to the part of your browser where a website is displayed. Thanks to the URL, you can see the source of the relevant website. For example, https://typedive.com is a URL.

User Experience (UX)

It is what the users who use a product or service feel and experience while using the product or service.

User Interface (UI)

User Interface (UI) design is the process designers use to create interfaces in electronic devices such as software or computers, focusing on appearance or style. UI develops and improves the quality of interaction between users and software.

WebPage View

It refers to a request to load a single web page. Digital marketers use them to analyze websites. By tracking more or fewer page views, they try to see if the change they make on the web page has a positive effect.

White Hat SEO

The White-Hat method is the name given to the proper techniques used in SEO practices, not contrary to Google guidelines.