✨ Reply your App Reviews by using AI

Reply Mobile App Reviews with AI!

Stay Ahead with AI: Efficiently Respond to App Reviews and Build Stronger Connections with your users

Reply Mobile App Reviews with AI!
AI-Powered Replies

AI-Powered Replies

Our AI-driven review reply system crafts unique, personalized, and human-like responses, tailored to delight your users while efficiently saving you precious hours each week. With a simple process of generating, reviewing, and optional editing, you're ready to hit send and impress.

  • Reply your reviews by using AI
  • Personalized touch in every review reply
  • Replies crafter for mood of reviewer
  • Effortless and Tailored Interaction Responses
Automatic Review Responses

Automatic Review Responses

Easily respond to customer reviews with either AI-generated responses and leverage your UX. Set rules based on criteria such as star ratings, sentiments, language, etc., and allow Typedive to automatically reply to reviews that meet each rule. Experience the ultimate time-saving automation for customer service.

  • Seamless Auto-Responses
  • Criteria-Based Automated Replies
  • Effortless User Review Replies
  • Time-Saving User Support

App Store and Google Play

iOS, Android and macOS Apps. Typedive supports replying to reviews on both the App Store and Google Play Store. With our AI-driven review reply system, you can easily respond to reviews on both platforms, ensuring that your users feel heard and valued. Our system is designed to help you save time and effort while providing the best possible customer service.

  • Reply reviews for iOS, Android and macOS Apps
  • Seamless integration with App Store and Google Play
  • Setup and forget
  • No reviews left behind

Reply any Language

Typedive supports replying to reviews in any language. Our AI-driven review reply system is designed to understand and respond to reviews in any language, ensuring that your users feel heard and valued. With our system, you can easily respond to reviews in any language, providing the best possible customer service to your users.

  • Supporting all languages
  • Personalized touch in every review reply
  • Effortless User Review Replies
  • Time-Saving User Support