✨ Reply your App Reviews by using AI

Review monitoring for mobile apps

Monitor mobile App reviews efficiently. Type can alert you about new reviews via email, slack or discord. AI replies, Happier customers.

Review monitoring for mobile apps
Reviews in your language

Reviews in your language

Unlock worldwide feedback with "Global Review Translator." Instantly turn App Store and Google Play reviews into your language. Simple, automatic, and integrated—never miss an insight from global users again.

  • Automatic language detection
  • Seamless translation
  • Comprehensive coverage
  • Integrated workflow
More about translating app reviews
Keyword Insights

Keyword Insights

Discover what users truly think with "Keyword Insights Engine." This feature analyzes every keyword in App Store and Google Play reviews, revealing trends, sentiments, and feedback themes. Gain actionable insights to drive your app's evolution.

  • Keyword Extraction
  • Trend Identification
  • Feedback Themes
  • Actionable Insights
More about keyword analysis
Track your competitors

Track your competitors

Stay ahead of the game with "Competitor Insights Tracker." Analyze and compare app store reviews of your competitors, gaining critical market intelligence to refine your strategy and improve your app's competitive edge.

  • Market Intelligence
  • Benchmarking
  • Strategic Refinement
  • Strategic Decision Making
Labels & Tags

Labels & Tags

TagSmart Insights transforms review management by allowing developers to analyze app and game reviews through the lens of tags and labels. This powerful feature enables a structured dive into user feedback, categorizing insights for precise improvement and competitive strategy formulation.

  • Structured Feedback Analysis
  • Prioritized Improvements
  • Competitive Tag Comparison
  • Trend Detection
GeoReview Insights

GeoReview Insights

Harness the power of "GeoReview Insights" to dive deep into country-level analysis of app and game reviews. Understand how your product or your competitors' fare across different markets, tailoring your strategy to meet diverse user needs globally.

  • Global Perspective
  • Market Strategy Optimization
  • Competitive Benchmarking
  • Localized Feedback Analysis
Language Based Review Analytics

Language Based Review Analytics

With "Language Based Analyzer" unlock the linguistic dimensions of app and game reviews. This feature enables developers to dissect user feedback based on language, offering insights into how different linguistic communities perceive their app or competitors’.

  • Linguistic Insights
  • Cultural Sensitivity
  • Global Engagement Strategies
  • Competitive Language Analysis
Smart Review Filters

Smart Review Filters

Refine your focus with "Smart Review Filter" a powerful tool designed to streamline review management. Easily filter reviews by criteria like date, rating, and keywords, allowing developers to quickly identify and act on the most impactful feedback.

  • Focus to Competitor reviews
  • Prioritize Feedback
  • Insightful Analytics
  • Segment for country, language, etc...