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Boost your app's growth with scalable ASO strategies including practical tips and insights

App Categories of Apple and Google
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App Categories of Apple and Google

When it comes to mobile app distribution, Apple's App Store and Google's Google Play are the two most popular platforms. They offer convenience for iOS and Android users to search and download apps/games on their devices. These platforms cover a variety of app categories.

How to Make Your Own App Icon?
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How to Make Your Own App Icon?

iOS App icon; It is a very important image in terms of Apple Store Optimization. To publish an application, a high-resolution application icon must be created first. Since the application icon is the main representation of the application, it will be advantageous to make a striking design.

App Marketing Strategy Guide
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App Marketing Strategy Guide

Mobile apps are positioned in the middle of our behavior in the mobile world as a big part of our lives. Looking at the first quarter of 2022, we see that the world of mobile apps, which has grown more than expected in the last three years, has spread to all areas of our lives, from shopping, communication, and entertainment, to health. Although the number of mobile app downloads has been steadily increasing since 2019, statistics show that 230 billion mobile apps were downloaded by users worldwide last year. In this case, what should our app marketing strategy guide be like?

Common App Store Optimization (ASO) Myths
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Common App Store Optimization (ASO) Myths

Mobile applications have become one of the most important elements of daily life. At this point, while there are so many applications today, various strategic plans must be realized to be noticed among so many applications. At this point, we can express common App Store Optimization (ASO) myths, as follows.

The Most Important Tricks for App Keyword Optimization
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The Most Important Tricks for App Keyword Optimization

App Keyword Optimization is one of the most important details for App Developers. To increase the popularity and have more downloads you must find the best keywords. But how? As an App Developer, knowing the tips to identify the most successful keywords will lead to success. So, let's take a closer look at what awaits you about keyword optimization, which is one of the most important ASO-related works!

7 Effective Ways to Promote Your Mobile App
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7 Effective Ways to Promote Your Mobile App

Do you want to choose methods that will allow you to reach more users by increasing the number of app downloads? Then it is worth emphasizing that you can take a successful approach by choosing 7 effective methods. Here are 7 effective methods of Mobile App promotion!