How to measure ASO performance: Metrics & KPIs

A lot of work and patience are required for the development of an application. Therefore, it would be a miracle if you expected your application to be a success overnight. But with successful ASO strategies, they can be sure that you will get the result of your work. Factors such as organic growth, product pages of the application, the strength of your brand, the quality of your application, and paid purchase campaigns are extremely important. At this point, we can explain how to measure ASO performance: Metrics & KPIs.

Visibility in the App Store

ASO is the process of optimizing mobile applications to rank higher in the search results of an application store. The higher your app is in an app store's search results, the more visible potential customers will be. This increased visibility tends to translate into more traffic to your app's page in the app store. In other words, the number of downloads of your application increases. Since hundreds of thousands of apps tend to be ranked on top of each other in each app store, the surprising fact is that most publishers don't invest in app store optimization. The primary KPIs for measuring visibility in app stores are as follows.

Title: The keyword in the title should have the heaviest search traffic. Spend some time on which keyword to use, as it can be harmful to change your headline to generally include different keywords.

Keywords: To improve your search ranking, you need to know which keywords are relevant and are used most often by your target audience. To understand this, it will be useful to watch competitors.

Total Number of Downloads: The number of your downloads is extremely important for ASO, but you do not have full control over them.

Ratings and Reviews: Important and difficult to control. However, he finds various ways to get high ratings and positive comments.

You know how important the reviews coming to your app are, but you do not know how to monitor them? Typedive here for you!

Conversion rate is used as the main KPI for measuring ASO performance. Keyword optimizations or paid acquisition campaigns allow you to get heavy traffic to your application.

Reviews and Ratings

Reviews and ratings are important in optimizing conversion rates, as they affect the display of search results for the Google Play Store and the App Store, as well as when users make the decision to download the application. In this direction, the number of ratings and reviews, as well as the review score, should be strictly monitored.

Organic Downloads

Marketing experts state that organic downloads are the main KPI for measuring the returns of ASO strategies. However, Apple and Google do not facilitate the measurement of organic growth. Acquisition campaigns outside the app store can also affect organic uploads. For example, brand awareness campaigns on social media can lead to an increase in branded searches in the app store. Apps will see organic downloads increase, but these can not necessarily be attributed to ASO activities. Accordingly, any application needs to be updated to ensure that ASO studies measure the increase most effectively.