Why Is My App Losing Organic Downloads

Downloading applications is extremely important for an application developer. At this point, it can be alarming for application developers to see that downloads are being lost. But every download loss has a reason. For this reason, there is also a solution for these losses. Now let's take a look at why apps are losing downloads and how to solve it together.

Stopping Advertising in the app store

Apart from organic search impressions, search impressions include Apple Search Ads and Google Play Advertising campaigns. With a decrease in search impressions, the marketing team needs to check whether the ad has been removed. The cessation of store ads leads to a significant reduction in search downloads. This is a problem that is solved by the evaluation of your team and the re-publication of ads. 

The Decline in Brand Searches

This application may also lose downloads due to the decrease in brand searches. Through some applications, you can check whether the search impressions are in correlation with the brand name. If the application is experiencing a loss due to a decrease in brand awareness, this situation should be addressed by your marketing team. In this direction, you can increase the brand awareness of your application with a new marketing strategy.

The Decline in Targeted Keywords

If you are targeting public keywords and optimizing the metadata of your application in this direction, you may lose your visibility in the store. Some of the reasons for this are as follows.

Volume Loss: If you see that the search intensity of keywords is lost in your metadata, you can understand that your application is getting little traffic. This may depend on trends in the market and seasonal changes. Therefore, you can achieve successful results by replacing your keyword with better ones.

Loss of Ranking: As your keywords become more competitive, you may lose ranking. The reason for this may be new competitors and new algorithms released by Google and Apple.

Reasons Why Your App Is Losing Discover Traffic

Your app may be losing discovering traffic. The most common reason for this is the features of your application. We can mention the mentioned reasons as follows.

Termination of the Features of Your Application

The decrease in discovery traffic is generally linked to the ending of a story or a feature. In this case, you should check the features that your competitors stand out for, but are not available in your application. In this way, you can improve your application. 

Google Universal Advertising Campaigns

Ads found on Google Play are located in the Explore section of stores. The decrease in traffic here may be related to ads. If your ads are stopped, it means that your downloads will be negatively affected. You can increase your traffic by reactivating ads.

Error on the Store Console

Discover the reason for the change in your impressions may be a technical error in the storage console. At this point, you can provide a solution to the problem by consulting the ASO community.

Change in the Ranking of Your Competitors

It will cause your competitors to rise to the top, so you will also lose ranks. At this point, you should make sure that you have selected the right category related to category rankings and store traffic. Learn more about tips to list your app at the top of app store ranking