9 Tips on How to Write an App Description

For Google Play and App Store, the app description not only gives the facts about an app but also encourages users to install it. This content provides 9 tips on how to write an app description for Google Play and App Store that will increase your conversion rate and help improve your keyword rankings on Google Play and the App Store.

The most important information should be added to the short description.

Only 80 characters should be used in the short description. In the App Store, the first sentence of the description is in front of the "more" button. Promotional text can also be added to the App Store. This text must be 170 characters long. This text is shown at the top of the description. These sections are located on the application page. In this way, users can read them in a short time and quickly understand what benefit your application or game has. Therefore, the most basic and interesting information should be here.

The following factors can be added to the short description:

  • Key features of the app or game
  • Important keywords
  • Main functional features that the app or game can solve

Some Rules to Follow for Short Descriptions on Google Play

  • Messages in the short description, screenshots, feature graphics, and video should not be repeated.
  • The application description should contain up-to-date information about the application.
  • The description should be localized to the market or language in which it is promoted.
  • Make sure that the description is formatted correctly and does not contain unnecessary characters.

The advantages and unique features of the application should be added to the description.

The character limit for Google Play and App Store descriptions is calculated as 4,000. It is not necessary to use all available characters. However, the original features of the application must be explained in the description. To find the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) of the app or game, competitors' app descriptions should be analyzed. Typedive's Keyword Explorer tool can be preferred to detect which apps have the top positions with a specified keyword.

The description should be written in the language of the users.

The target audience should be known and the requests of the users should be determined. If the app or game is used by individuals of various genders, ages, interests, and educations, the app description should be appropriate and understandable to each individual. Make sure that the application description is clear to the entire target audience. A/B testing may be preferred, or market research may be conducted to ensure the disclosure is clear to users.

Keywords Must Be Added to the Google Play Application Description.

App descriptions are indexed by the search algorithm on Google Play. Therefore, if keywords are added to the description section, the application can be ranked higher. Some rules to be followed when adding keywords to the application description;

  • Medium frequency and long tail keywords should be preferred. Apptarget's long-tail keywords can be preferred to access keywords in applications. High-frequency keywords are popular among competitors, while medium-frequency keywords are rarely preferred. If you want to reach the least preferred keywords among the competitors, Apptarget's Least Competitive Keywords tool can be preferred.
  • Competitors should be carefully analyzed. To find the right keywords for the application, the keywords preferred by the competitors in their metadata should be analyzed.
  • The most important keywords should be included in the first 180 characters. App location can be improved by including keywords in the app description.

Emoji and Paragraphs Should Be Included in Application Explanations.

It will be quite difficult for users to read a long description without paragraphs and emojis. Therefore, to highlight the most important information, the bold text should be included and paragraphs should be used by dividing different parts of the text.

Information about every feature of the application should not be added to the description.

If the app has too many obvious features, they should not be put in the description. The focus should only be on core, unique features that can help users solve their problems and provide additional advantages that competitors won't find in their apps.

The application page must be localized for the country in which the application is promoted.

The application description is defined as the longest text that users can read on the application page. Therefore, grammatical, spelling or semantic errors should not be made in the text. If explanations for foreign languages are to be localized, it is necessary to include texts that take cultural differences into account.