ASO Audit for Your App

ASO audit is an evaluation method that will assist you to take your App Store performance to a more successful level. It is an analysis of your ASO performance in the App Store and Google Play. The evaluation process aims to achieve more successful results by identifying the shortcomings and errors related to the app. The number of mobile apps is rapidly increasing. Therefore, there is incredible competition in the App Store. Your ASO strategy has huge importance for winning this competition. As Typedive, we aim to assist you in the best way about the ASO audit and the tools you need in this process. Here is everything you are wondering about the ASO audit!

Why Do You Need ASO Audit?

ASO audit allows you to evaluate how successful your strategy is. Your app could be the best one out there, but it won’t success unless people download it. And for people to download your app, they need to see it. If your ASO is not effective enough, you need to conduct an ASO audit. By conducting an ASO Audit, you can make sure that your app increases its visibility. It will help to find out what is wrong with your ASO strategy and how you can improve it. Thanks to this process, which allows you to perform a SWOT analysis related to the app, it is possible to easily determine which points you need to focus on. Therefore, as a developer who wants to achieve success in ASO, you just need to use ASO audit services!

What Does ASO Audit Include?

ASO audit is the process that allows you to control by considering more than one element. It is an evaluation of all aspects of optimization, including indexing in the app store, analysis of metadata, and evaluation of the visual part. For this reason, there are many applications and tools that you need to use during the audit process. On top of that, you need to manage ASO audit processes by conducting many analyzes and evaluations. So, what does ASO audit include? Here are the things you need to check while conducting an ASO audit for your app:

  • Analysis of text metadata (title, subtitle or short description, app description)
  • Attracting traffic
  • Search Visibility Index
  • Comparative analysis
  • Graphics (icons, screenshots, videos)
  • Installs by keywords and additional keywords to target
  • Keywords ranking analysis
  • Monitoring Ratings and Reviews
  • Checking User Churn and Click to Install Conversion Rate
  • Final score

Do you think you have to use dozens of tools or apps for all this? Then you are wrong! Because Apptargets brings together the analysis you will do using many tools on a single platform.Using an ASO tool such as Typedive will make the process of conducting an ASO Audit much more efficient. We would love to learn more about your specific needs and assist you. Get in touch with us to schedule a meeting and find out more.

In conclusion, the ASO audit is an essential component of app management. This process helps identify the weaknesses, problems and errors that can lower ASO metrics. An ASO audit can help app companies improve app ratings, increase conversions, and increase downloads. In addition, it helps the companies see what their competitors are doing, what keywords they use, how they describe their apps, what screenshots and videos they use, and how they interact with their users. The most well known brands and companies include ASO in their mobile app marketing strategies to attract more users and increase revenue from app downloads and subscriptions.